How to kick off your new year right

New Year is perfect time to make big or small changes in your life. Whever this years resolution was to be more organised or finally taking the time to do something you’ve kept putting off. Whatever your reason, this time of years perfect to do something for your self to make life a little bit easier and make some simple changes.

Have a Clear Out – Look inside your wardrobe and throw out any clothes that don’t fit you any more or you haven’t worn in a long time. This can be hard, ‘but what if I will want to wear it again?’, if you haven’t worn something in the past year then question if you really need it. With the clothes you don’t want you can either sell them online or help someone else by donating them to charity.dsc_0380

Start up a journal – This can be any type of journal you wish – a dream journal, a bullet journal, a diary. To organise all my school work and other events, I’m going to be using my Bando ‘ I am very busy’ planner.  Which includes a monthly and weekly view, also lots of other cute things like, art work and stickers. However, I will be start up again my ‘one thought a day journal’, which I write down one thing about the previous day. I’ve this a great way to record memories and dreams without have to write paragraphs of text, like a diary.dsc_0788

Reorganise your desk/workspace – If you don’t have a desk or a quite place to work without being disturbed, I recommend you get one. You to have to spend lots of money on a desk a table anywhere will do. From the top, clear of any clutter, keeping only necessary supplies. Update any files and sort out any paper into it’s place. If you want to make a real effort I suggest wiping it down to remove any marks from the previous year and start a fresh.dsc_0392

Save your money – At the moment I’m saving up for a new phone and needed a place to keep all my savings. Even if you don’t have a particular something you’re saving up for, everyone could benefit from having some money ‘ for a rainy day’. dsc_0777

14 thoughts on “How to kick off your new year right

  1. This reminds me I REALLY need to take a look that wardrobe of mine. There’s a lot of stuff that I don’t wear anymore but seem to hold on to for dear life. Saving money is on my to-do list all year round but so damn hard to do sometimes haha. Great advice, and lovely blog.

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